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Midlife crisis: how to cope with it (video)

Irritability, uncertainty, memories of the past and obsessive thoughts about the future, radical decisions and a complete change of image – all these are signs of a special period at a certain age, called the “midlife crisis.” Does it really exist, and if so, how to deal with it?

Midlife crisis – what is it?

Let’s try to figure it out with the help of experts and scientific publications Psychology Today And Healthline. First of all, it is worth noting that a midlife crisis is not a disorder and has no clinical symptoms. Psychologists say that it is rather a certain period of life, accompanied by reflection, change and reflection*.

During this period, people begin to analyze their lives: what they have been able to achieve, what they already have. There is a comparison of the current life with what happened before and an assessment of what can happen.

In addition, in middle age changes begin in the body: the aging process makes the body less resilient and elastic, and may not live up to any of our expectations. And this aggravates the crisis, psychologists say:

“Any changes are accompanied by certain sensations. If they occur in our body, in society, this can affect how we feel.”

Experts say that a midlife crisis is not a diagnosis, but a difficult period in the life of a middle-aged person. Beginning around the age of 40, both men and women find that their primary roles in relationships change: parents grow old and need care, and children no longer require such help as they grow up. Clinical psychologist Michael G. Vetter says:

“A midlife crisis is defined as a period or phase of life transition when a person begins to question what he or she has achieved, or vice versa, and whether these things provide a sense of pleasure and meaning.”

Signs and manifestations

Every person experiences a midlife crisis differently. Some may feel confused and unsure, but for others this period may seem like an opportunity to analyze their life and change for the better. Psychologist Sofia Vloch explains:

“In general, a crisis may have a certain number of symptoms, which may vary depending on the person, but this is not a diagnostic criterion for a specific mental disorder, so specific symptoms are not defined. Different literature gives different symptomatology.”

Among the manifestations of this difficult period, she names:

increased anxiety;

emotional “swing”;

decreased mood;

irritability and fatigue;

sleep and/or appetite disturbances.

Observe your feelings. If you have been experiencing negative emotions, irritability, or a depressed mood for a certain period due to reflection or certain changes, this is quite similar to a midlife crisis, and it is better to seek help from a psychologist.

*In everyday life, as well as in some psychological contexts, reflection refers to any reflection of a person aimed at considering and analyzing himself and his own activity (a kind of introspection), for example, his own states, actions and past events.

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