September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

9 out of 10 Greeks have reduced their consumption of essential goods

Nine out of 10 Greeks have reduced their consumption of essential goods, a recent survey commissioned by the private sector union General Confederation of Greek Workers showed (GSEE) and the Institute of Labor.

Every second respondent said they do not receive overtime pay, while the vast majority of workers, 81%, believe that labor rights are better protected by collective agreements. According to a survey conducted by Alco, 90% of respondents said that due to high prices they have reduced their consumption of essential goods:

  • 18% answered “very”.
  • 51% “average”.
  • 21% “a little”.
  • “Not at all” answered 16%.

They mainly reduced consumption in categories such as chilled meat, fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables:

  • 30% of respondents stated that they had no savings,
  • 37% – that they were forced use your savings to cover current needs in purchasing essential goods.

As for the most effective means of protecting the standard of living, then:

  • 43% named “wage increase”
  • 33% – “reduction of VAT and consumption taxes”,
  • 24% – “price control”.

64% of workers indicated that their wages would not be increased in 2023, 34% indicated that they would be increased.

It is assumed that the vast majority of those who indicated they received a raise are those receiving the minimum wage, which increased in 2023.

72% said they worked no more than their usual working hours, and 24% said they worked more. Of those who report working more than usual, 48% say they are not paid for overtime.

“The Greek economy and society, after years of austerity, are facing a wave of high prices for basic goods and services, and stagnating incomes, which threatens the purchasing power and standard of living of many working households,” – noted in GSEE.

“It is necessary to immediately implement a set of measures to increase wages and strengthen labor rights in order to maximally protect the standard of living of employees and, above all, the lowest paid. Strengthening sectoral collective labor agreements and the National General Collective Labor Agreement by granting the right to GSEE and employers’ organizations to determine the minimum wages is an imperative”, – GSEE emphasized.

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