September 20, 2024

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India: green mold adds color spectrum

In India, the first case in the country of infection with fungal green mold was discovered. Prior to this, white, black and yellow molds were detected in COVID-19 survivors.

Fungal disease is detected in patients with coronavirus. The first was black mold, which has already affected 31,000 people in the country, 2,109 cases have died. Against the background of its spread, white mold appeared, then yellow. A new and apparently the only case of green mold so far was reported by the Hindustan Times yesterday, citing information from the Madhya Pradesh Department of Health.

The infection was found in a 34-year-old resident of the city of Indore. Experts believe that previously there was no such type of fungal disease in the country. In the last month and a half, the man was treated for complications of the coronavirus in the hospital, 90% of his lungs were affected. After discharge, he did not stay at home for long – the temperature suddenly jumped and frequent nosebleeds began.

At first, doctors suspected that the patient had developed mucormycosis (black mold). However, examination revealed that he had a type of aspergillosis, or green mold. The man was admitted to a Mumbai hospital. Apurwa Tiwari, Health Specialist in Indore, explains:

“During the diagnosis, a green fungus was found in his lungs, which is different from mucormycosis, or black fungus. This is possibly the first case of green mold in the country.”

A sharp rise in fungal diseases has been observed in India amid the coronavirus pandemic. Mostly those who have undergone infection with covid and who have defeated it with the help of drug treatment are ill. Experts point out that cystic fibrosis and other types of colored mold are diagnosed in intensive care patients who have received steroids and oxygen support for a long period of treatment. Diabetics who have been taking steroid drugs for a long time are also at risk, due to which the body’s immune defense is significantly reduced.

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