September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"He left but promised to return" Boris Johnson is no longer an MP

Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson resigned as a member of parliament, but did not rule out a return.

The former head of government said that “a tiny handful of people are to blame for his forced departure without any evidence to support their claims, and without the approval of even members of the Conservative Party, not to mention the wider electorate.”

He is accused of misleading Parliament in connection with parties at 10 Downing Street at a time when the coronavirus pandemic was in full swing. The ex-premier himself publicly denied the fact of holding parties in his office during a strict quarantine.

Leaving the House of Commons closes Johnson the opportunity to return to the premiership in the near future. However, the 58-year-old politician did not rule out his return to parliament, stressing that he was leaving it “at the moment.”

A by-election in Johnson’s constituency will be held shortly, with a new general parliamentary election scheduled for next year. Experts predict that the conservatives may suffer the most crushing defeat in many years. According to the latest polls, the Tories are behind Labor by about 16%. Johnson, in a written appeal, did not fail to point out this, saying that when he left the premiership last year, the gap was minimal.

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