September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A refugee from Ukraine sold children to pedophiles. New details

We have already written about scandal in Polish Poznan around the pupils of a family-type orphanage from Sinelnikovo, Dnipropetrovsk region, whose adoptive mother was accused of bullying them.

IN Gazeta Wyborcza an article was published with new details that the Polish investigation found out and from which the hair stands on end. The publication even warned readers that some of the details can harm the weak psyche, and some of them cannot even be included in the material, they are so nightmarish.

On May 31, the third court hearing was held in the case of 53-year-old Ukrainian Svetlana P., who sold children to pedophiles for rape, and not only upon arrival in Poland, but also in Ukraine. She is on trial on ten charges, one for each child. There has never been such a case in Polish courts.

In the course of conversations with the children at the investigation stage, it turned out that the guardian knocked out some teeth, forced others to eat excrement, beat them on the genitals, strangled them. Ukrainian and Polish pedophiles, to whom she sold children, severely abused and raped them, while their foster mother stood nearby and estimated by the clock on the phone whether the 20 minutes allotted for the client had passed. Also, before the client’s visit, she drugged the children with drugs that put them to sleep or, even worse, immobilized them.

The guardian herself, according to the children, also raped them. In just a few years, eight children became victims of group pedophilia.

In Poland, she was exposed during the month of her stay in the country, while at that time she had been engaged in the “education” of adopted children in Ukraine for 20 years. But the Ukrainian authorities point-blank did not notice the bullying of children, and also tried to hush up the case through the consulate.

The Polish prosecutor’s office has already completed the investigation, achieved arrest and trial, but she faces only 15 years in prison.

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