September 20, 2024

Athens News

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Hard limit of human life expectancy – 150 years

Dreaming of immortality is “not harmful.” Likewise, believing in future life-extending discoveries, Scientific American warns, is not much to hope for: the upper limit for life expectancy is limited to 150 years.

This conclusion is due to the analysis of the number of red blood cells and some other factors. And although investors are investing huge amounts of money in projects that promise to solve the problem of death, money cannot buy eternal life, alas. But with longevity it is a little easier, although not everything is known for certain about the number of possible years of life. However, an article published in the scientific journal Nature Communications on the latest research of scientists slightly opens the veil of secrecy over the answer to this question.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that to part with life are often forced by various factors beyond our control: accidents, epidemics, stress, dangerous diseases, genetic characteristics. But even if we assume that all the troubles have bypassed the person, the body’s reserves still have a certain limit. Over the years, it becomes more difficult to maintain the balance of the activity of all its systems and organs, and recovery after any failures is slower. It is this extinction that sets the longevity limit – approximately 120-150 years, depending on the individual “rates of aging”.

As part of the study of these processes, Timothy Pyrkov and a group of scientists from Gero (Singapore) investigated the health status and rates of aging in three cohorts of people from Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom, analyzing changes in the number of red blood cells and calculating the daily number of steps, taking into account age. As it turned out, the processes developed in the same way, regardless of the place of residence. But in all three groups, as expected, there was a gradual decrease in the body’s ability to restore blood cells and return to a stable state after violations. Studying the data obtained, Pyrkov and his colleagues from Moscow and Buffalo (New York) determined when the body’s ability to recover completely disappears – as it turned out, at the age of 120-150 years.

The study also found that with age, the body’s response to various injuries increases, requiring more time to recover from them. Scientists point to social factors that reflect their findings:

“We found a dramatic change in the age of 35-40, which was quite unexpected. This gives an indication that some physiological changes are taking place at this age. “

However, Professor S. Jay Olshansky, a lecturer in epidemiology and biostatistics, points out an important aspect – longevity is not at all the same as a long and healthy life:

“It is necessary to be engaged not in prolongation of life, but in prolongation of a healthy life. Death is not the only thing that matters. Things like quality of life take on more and more importance when a person is deprived of it. It would be interesting to see the final conclusion of the scientists. One can guess that the treatment of diseases will not produce the effect we want. These fundamental biological aging processes will continue. “

The main question now is whether the research will help get closer to the upper limit of life expectancy specified in Nature Communications. So far, one can only speculate. But research continues. For example, a diabetes drug is currently being tested to reduce the characteristics of aging. Scientists remain optimistic: “Measuring something is the first step, followed by intervention.” Now that the rate of aging has been measured, the next step is to look for opportunities to “prevent and rebuild vitality.”

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