September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

End of paper driver’s license

It is expected that the issuance of a new type of driver’s license and digital identity on a mobile phone will lead to the “extinction” of a paper (typographical) document.

The digitalization of the services of the Department of Transportation (Διευθύνσεων Μεταφορών) is in full swing, which is expected to put an end to the inconvenience of citizens who have hitherto crowded at the ticket office, writes Among other things, the digital transformation is expected to mean the end of paper (pink) driver’s licenses, which can now be replaced with a new type (plastic card) through the digital portal

All citizens have to do is enter their personal Taxisnet passwords, attach a photo and a sample signature, issue and pay the fee, indicating their e-mail address (e-mail) and phone number. Once the process is completed, the applicant will receive an email notification to collect the rights in person or through an authorized representative.

After the expiration of the driver’s license, the introduction of (optional) digital identities is expected, which will be available on the smartphones of car owners from July 27.

A digital driver’s license will become a significant convenience both for vehicle owners, who will get rid of the stress of forgetting somewhere or losing them, and for traffic police officers (in the system, if necessary, information about your rights and car will be available to the police).

Digital Governance Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis noted that the use of the platform is expanding and becoming “a common, simple and convenient way to receive all the necessary documents and confirmations (including your identity) in one click.”

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