September 8, 2024

Athens News

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An amazing supermoon can be observed on July 13

Today, Wednesday, July 13th, those who love to watch the starry sky will have the opportunity to witness the magnificent and bright July full moon.

The July moon is super full and usually brighter than any other. This amazing phenomenon, which occurs only a few days a year, will light up the summer sky today. Its brightness is expected to peak in the evening around 21:37.

On this day, two important astronomical moments associated with the Moon will coincide: this is the perigee and the full moon, ”the message says. NASA reports that the phenomenon can be observed for about three days.

The term supermoon usually refers to the full moon, which will be in its closest orbit to Earth. The Almanac magazine reports that the supermoon in July will be the longest and brightest in all of 2022, as the moon comes closest to the Earth this year – at 356,418 kilometers.

The Deer Moon* will appear about 16% brighter and 7% larger than a regular full moon. It is noted that in general the difference in size and brightness of the super-full moon is not visible to the naked eye, but Sky and Telescope explains that it can appear larger than a simple full moon shortly before sunset.

**The most common name for this astronomical phenomenon is “Deer Moon”. It arose due to the fact that, according to tradition, every year at this time, antlers (young antlers) begin to grow in male deer. However, the super moon also retains some other names, such as “Lightning Full Moon” (“Πανσέληνος του Κεραυνού”, “Πανσέληνος του Σανού”, “Πανσέληνεος του Υδρ”)

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