September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry spoke about the risks of involving third countries in the conflict in Ukraine

Sergey Lavrov believes that there is a real risk of third countries being involved in the military conflict in Ukraine, which the West is well aware of:

“Such risks, of course, exist. What the Kyiv regime requires, and categorically, in a businesslike manner, from its Western patrons. Firstly, this goes beyond all the limits of decency and diplomatic communication, and secondly, this is a direct provocation to draw the West into hostilities.”

This point of view, as RIA News, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry reported to journalists, talking about the results of his visit to Saudi Arabia and answering a question about the plans of the West to provide Ukraine with MLRS – multiple launch rocket systems. Lavrov said that Western politicians are well aware of this:

“Not everyone, to be honest, is in the European Union, especially in its northern part. There are politicians who are ready to go to this madness in order to satisfy their ambitions. But serious countries in the European Union, of course, are well aware of the unacceptability of such scenarios, and it seems that We recently heard signs of reasonable estimates from Washington.”

Earlier, the DPA announced Germany’s intention to supply Ukraine with four MLRS systems from the stocks of the Bundeswehr by the end of the month. A representative of the White House announced the planned delivery of HIMARS MLRS to Kyiv, capable of hitting targets at a distance of 80 km. Pravda stressed that he secured a promise from Ukraine not to use complexes for delivering strikes on the territory of Russia.

The United States of America has officially confirmed a new $700 million security package for Ukraine. “European Truth”. This was announced by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, without giving details, at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

“President Biden this morning announced a significant new security assistance package to equip Ukraine with additional capabilities and advanced weapons — exactly what Ukrainians now need to defend against ongoing Russian aggression. This includes more advanced missile systems that will allow them to hit key targets on the battlefield from longer distances.”

And Greece will supply Ukraine soviet tanksas reported by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

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