September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Significant progress in Skourjes gold mine in northern Greece

Following the conclusion of a new agreement that put the investment on a more stable footing, the preparatory work for Hellenic Gold at Skouries has been in full swing since December last year.

The works relate to the construction of 3 hangars with a total area of ​​7000 sq. m, which will house and protect the complex electromechanical equipment of the gold mining industry, which has remained in the open for years.

It should be noted that the project is carried out at the expense of the company’s own resources. Additional funding for the project is expected to be secured, which will mean the resumption of construction and investment, which will create 1,000 direct jobs in the first year of operation, which will gradually increase to 3,000 in total.

Due to inclement weather this winter, when crews faced heavy snowfall and several days of sub-zero temperatures, work was suspended for safety reasons.

They are currently progressing at a fast pace, having already reached 50% completion of the total project. Commissioning is expected in August 2022. .

The Skourjes mine is a world-class mine. Geological rocks contain large reserves of copper and gold. According to the company’s project, the new Skouria mine will be completely digital and will include advanced methods of exploration and mining, safety and environmental protection using advanced technologies.

At the same time, an integrated waste and water management system, which will cost approximately 130 million euros to invest, guarantees maximum protection of water resources in the region, and disposal of mineral residues through the use of dry landfill, the most modern and safe method in the mining industry for the management and storage of production waste.

The project is part of an investment that is very significant for the state, the local community and the environment. Under the new agreement, Hellenic Gold plans an additional $1.9 billion investment to upgrade and develop the Kassandra mines.

The estimated profit for the Greek state is estimated at 2 billion euros.

The social footprint of the investment will be of particular importance. 70 million euros will be allocated to projects of social importance. Of these, 15 million – in the first years of the project.

Hellenic Gold’s investment could make Greece one of the world’s most important copper and gold producers. Looking to the future, the company remains true to its obligations and implements its investment plan, responsibly using the country’s mineral wealth and creating added value for the economy, society and the environment.

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