May 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vegans protest ‘barbaric’ custom of eating Easter lamb

Dozens of vegans gathered at the central Syntagma Square in central Athens to protest against the slaughter and eating of lamb on Easter Sunday.

With placards “I have pain” and “Killing is not love,” protesters lined up on Syntagma Square to express their opposition to the long-standing Greek tradition of roasting lamb on a spit on Easter Sunday. They also urged the Greeks to oppose this custom, declaring that eating meat is a barbaric custom and urging them to switch to other types of food.

A day earlier, vegan activists held a similar rally in Patras. The LiberAnimal Patras group has been protesting the slaughter of thousands of lambs during Holy Week and Easter for the past three years. Speaking to, Anta Dimopoulou, mayor of Patras Kostas Peletidis’ advisor on homeless animals and a member of the Panhellenic Animal Welfare Federation, said that the goal of the action, which received enough response, was to ask questions and raise awareness of the world so that in the future everything could change.

Their common motto is: “Slaughter is not love.”

The activists were on a direct line and opposed the slaughter of animals such as lambs and goats, according to the Easter custom, dressed mostly in black clothes, while videos from the meat industry were shown on the laptop screen.

At the time of the action, lit candles were placed on the floor, and activists were holding posters with slogans like: “You can’t kill someone who doesn’t want to die”, “Innocence is not food”, “Many years without victims”, “For you a meal, for me all my life”.

“We are a group of people with a vegan ideology who do not eat animals and do not accept their exploitation, while we hold peaceful actions to inform and raise awareness of the world,” Anta Dimopoulou told, adding that cause of mobilization in πλ. Georgiou was precisely because of mass slaughter of animals for Easter.

Passover is a celebration of love that can be done without forcing these creatures like lambs etc. to experience a process of terror because unfortunately it does, as is the case with lambs who are forcibly taken away from their mother on Easter table needs”, said Ms. Dimopoulou, emphasizing that their goal, among other things, is to encourage people to question and even reject practices that, unfortunately, involve the cruel treatment and killing of living beings.

After all, as activists of LiberAnimal Patras note, these are human habits and the God of Christianity and love could not support the torture and death of others.

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