September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek media: a neo-Nazi from the Azov regiment, who spoke in the Greek parliament, died in the battle for Azovstal

A neo-Nazi from the Azov Regiment named Mikhail, who spoke in the Greek parliament, died in battle for the Azovstal plant during the assault that began on Tuesday, according to Greek media.

According to the SKAI TV channel, Mikhail was the deputy commander of the Azov Battalion in Mariupol and, since 2014, led the campaign against Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine.

According to SKAI on Tuesday morning, Mikhail died during the battle, which began on Monday. Earlier it became known that the special groups of the DPR began to storm the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. This was announced by the representative of the people’s militia of the DPR Eduard Basurin.

“Azovstal is an industrial zone located in the center of the city. The assault groups, which were specially selected for the assault on this object, have already begun their work. The Russian Federation is helping us well in this with aviation and artillery, ”RIA Novosti reports Basurin’s words.

Recall the unexpected appearance two military in parliament, in the context speeches by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, caused a strong reaction from both the opposition and social media users. One speaker named Mikhail himself admitted that “Iis a member of the Azov Regiment, which acted uncontrollably and under the auspices of the Zelensky presidency, killing Russian speakers“, the publication comments on the situation. IN.GR.

IN.GR editor Vassilis Kanelis thinksthat the emergence of the far-right Azov in the Greek parliament created a serious problem for that part of Greek society that had previously spoken out in support of Ukraine and against Russia:

The appearance of a representative of the Azov Regiment in a few minutes leveled all the monstrous war crimes committed in Ukraine under the sole responsibility of Russia. In the same way, the “games” of an actor like Zelensky have become the “weapon” of all those who want to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the very beginning of the war.

Azov’s neo-Nazi presence in the Greek parliament was a major setback. Yes, it was unfortunate that President Zelensky “put on” a bad show in which the far-right Azov was “linked” with thousands of Greek emigrants who have roots in this region of Ukraine for centuries.

Yes, it was a huge mistake for the speaker of parliament, or anyone else who knew about the video, to allow this show. But we all must clearly, without semitones, declare that those who love peace are with the people of Ukraine. Those who want to stop the massacres are with the Ukrainians, not with Zelensky or Azov. Those who want to condemn the crimes committed by the Russian army are against Putin, not against the Russian people.

Unfortunately, the far right “Azov” is used by a large part of the country’s political system and by a sufficiently large number of “pro-Russian” citizens to support a crime that our modern culture does not accept.“.

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