September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

UN calls on Russia and Ukraine to be humane

The United Nations called on Russia and Ukraine to immediately investigate cases of abuse of prisoners of war.

Representative of the organization Matilda Bogner, head of the human rights monitoring mission in Ukraine, noted at a briefing on March 28 that the UN had seen videos of prisoners of war from both sides and called for an investigation into the abuse, recalling international humanitarian law, quotes Deutsche Welle:

“We have seen videos from both sides – both Ukrainian POWs who were captured by the Russian side, and Russian POWs who were captured by the Ukrainian side. We call on the authorities on both sides to conduct a full investigation.”

The organization is verifying the released video footage, which is of “strong concern,” says Bogner. She notes that any mockery must be stopped immediately, reminding Ukraine and Russia of their obligations under international humanitarian law. The UN hopes that those responsible will be brought to justice.

Earlier, a video appeared on the Internet, in which, presumably, the Ukrainian military fired at the knees of probable Russian prisoners. However, neither the date nor the location of the filming is known. Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that official Kyiv “takes this seriously” and will conduct an immediate investigation.

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