September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Sixth Week of Great Lent – Palm

This year Palm Week starts on April 19, that is, tomorrow. Very soon Easter, and after Palm Sunday, Holy Week will begin, which will end with the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

The sixth week, or week, of Great Lent is dedicated to spiritual cleansing, deliverance from worldly vanity, and humility. By tradition, the mother-in-law on the first day of Palm Sunday, on Monday, gives presents to the young son-in-law, from the bottom of her heart wishes happiness and blessings to the young family.

On April 24 this year, the Orthodox will celebrate Lazarev Saturday, remembering the miraculous resurrection of the righteous. In honor of this event, the strict pre-Easter fast allows the consumption of fish caviar. The Gospel tells about the righteous Lazarus.

Before coming to Jerusalem, Jesus decided to visit his friends, the sisters Martha and Mary, and their brother Lazarus. The news of the latter’s death caught him on the way to their house. In a conversation with Martha, Jesus asked if she believed that everyone who lives who believes in him will never die. And he received the answer: “Lord! I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, coming into the world. ” 4 days have passed since the death of Lazarus by that time. Approaching his tomb, Jesus began to pray, and then ordered to move the stone blocking the entrance. From there came Lazarus, who lived after that for another long 30 years.

On Lazarev Saturday, it is not customary to complain, swear, condemn others. You need to drive away dark thoughts from yourself, and thoughts and wishes should be light and pure.

On Palm Sunday, people wish each other: “Be healthy as water and rich as earth.” Believers remember the Lord’s Entry into Jerusalem. After the resurrection of Lazarus, people believed that Jesus was the Son of God. He was greeted as a king and was seen in him as a future liberator from the Romans. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, in simple clothes, humbly showing that he was not a king or a conqueror. His mission is to serve, not capture, to conquer human hearts, not lands.

People greeted Jesus by covering the road with palm leaves and waving them in the air. In the Orthodox tradition, the palm tree was replaced by a willow, although Catholics call Palm Sunday in honor of biblical events Palm.

On Palm Sunday, a strict fast can be diversified with fish. When attending a service on this day, believers consecrate willow branches, and then, returning home, lightly beat their loved ones with them, wishing health and prosperity:

“I am not hitting, the willow is hitting. Be as big as a willow, as healthy as water and as rich as the earth. ” “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow – take away the sickness. The willow will come – the disease will take away. “

Palm twigs are not thrown away, but kept in the house until next Easter, decorating icons with them. They help to solve problems with insomnia, important affairs, love relationships. Previously, young girls were looking forward to Palm week. These days, one could only think about the guy he liked in the morning, and by the evening he could come to visit himself. Palm Sunday was endowed with such energy that could help to embody the most intimate desires and thoughts into reality.

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