September 7, 2024

Athens News

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Czech Republic expels 18 Russian diplomats and puts on the wanted list for Petrov and Boshirov

On April 17, the Czech Republic demanded that 18 Russian diplomats be expelled from the country. The authorities said that the Russian special services were involved in the explosion of ammunition in Vrbetica in 2014.

The Czech Republic is simultaneously expelling eighteen Russian diplomats from the country. But that’s not all, because of the explosion in Vrbetica, the police put Petrov and Boshirov on the Interpol wanted list, who, according to the police, should have poisoned Skripal with Novichok.

In connection with the suspicion that the Russian intelligence service of the GRU was involved in the explosions of ammunition depots in Vrbetica, the Czech police are looking for two men with Russian passports. The couple had to move to the Czech Republic in the fall of 2014 when the disaster struck. “

⚡️The Czech authorities suspect the Russian special services of involvement in the explosion at an ammunition depot in Vrbetica in 2014 – Prime Minister. Explosions

⚡️The Czech authorities suspect the Russian special services of involvement in the explosion at an ammunition depot in Vrbetica in 2014 – Prime Minister. The explosions in Vrbetica, of which the Czech Republic blames the Russian special services, took place on October 16, 2014. According to preliminary calculations, 10,000 kilograms of ammunition, including medium-range missiles, exploded, the portal reported with reference to the director of the Pyrotechnic Police Department of the Czech Republic, Michal Dlaugogo. Two people were killed. What caused the explosion remained unknown, then everything was attributed to the negligence of the workers.

Posted by Russian Athens – Russian Athens on Saturday, April 17, 2021

The official twitter of local law enforcement officers posted photos of “tourists” already well known to us – they wanted

Nevertheless, the Czech police, at the request of RIA Novosti, said that they could not confirm the connection between the search for Petrov and Boshirov and the explosion in Vrbetica in 2014, in which Russian diplomats were suspected of being involved.

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