September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

An old lady left 1 million euros for an Albanian housekeeper

The elderly woman’s relatives did not believe their ears when they were told that she had left all her property as a legacy to an Albanian housekeeper and her husband who worked in her house.

Relatives of a 90-year-old woman from Patras couldn’t believe their ears when they opened her will. All her property goes to the Albanian housekeeper and her husband, who have taken care of her in recent years! The relatives intend to initiate the necessary legal proceedings to claim their share.

Chronicle of events

It all started a few days ago, when the will of a 90-year-old woman was opened, drawn up in August 2019. A couple of Albanians caring for her in the last years of her life got 1 million euros. The will, according to, says the 90-year-old woman was aware of her actions when she wrote the will.

However, it is impressive that the last paragraph of the will says that the old woman did not sign because “her hands were shaking and she could not do it”!

This was an element that aroused suspicion among her relatives, who were outraged upon learning of this detail and stated that they would challenge the authenticity of the will, which, it should be noted, was drawn up in the presence of three witnesses.

In fact, the relatives pointed out that their 90-year-old dying woman suffered from dementia, for this reason they do not trust what was written in her will.

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