October 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The head of the Omonia police station has been removed from office

After the suicide of one immigrant prisoner in the detention center and the escape of a second, the head of ΑΤ Ομονοίας was removed from office.

This was reported by the Greek Police Headquarters, justifying its decision by two incidents with prisoners. Changes in AT Omonia were initiated by the headquarters EL.AS. following recent incidents involving a 29-year-old Bangladeshi prisoner who was found hanged in a detention center and the escape of another prisoner within a few days. Instead, the Omonia Police Department, as writes CNN Greece will be temporarily headed by the chief of police. In the coming days, a senior officer is expected to be appointed to the position of commander in this AT, although so far there are no applicants for this position.

Previously, our publication reported that in the center of Athens riots continuecaused by death of a Pakistani at the Agios Panteleimonos police station from “pathological reasons”, and one of the policemen was injured.

Along with foreigners, they oppose the police ultra-left activists from the movement “Uniting Against Racism and the Fascist Threat” (KEERFA). At the intersection of 3 September and Feron streets, unknown persons in helmets threw Molotov cocktails at the MAT squad. In response, the police bombarded them with chemicals and flash-bang grenades. During the incident, one police officer was wounded in the shoulder. Police made several arrests.

The deceased was named Mohamed Kamran Asik and was arrested for stalking a woman. According to KEERFA statementthe police beat Mohamed to death at the Agios Panteleimon police station.

It is worth noting that we have talked about the Omonia police station more than once on the pages of our publication, for example, in the publication “Police lawlessness: “sinful” Omonia and other police stations.”

Along with foreigners, they oppose the police ultra-left activists from the movement “Uniting Against Racism and the Fascist Threat” (KEERFA). At the intersection of 3 September and Feron streets, unknown persons in helmets threw Molotov cocktails at the MAT squad. In response, the police bombarded them with chemicals and flash-bang grenades. During the incident, one police officer was wounded in the shoulder. Police made several arrests.

The deceased was named Mohamed Kamran Asik and was arrested for stalking a woman. According to KEERFA statementthe police beat Mohamed to death at the Agios Panteleimon police station.

It is worth noting that we have talked about the Omonia police station more than once on the pages of our publication, for example, in the publication “Police lawlessness: “sinful” Omonia and other police stations.”

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