October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How Joe Biden Lost Control of Israel's War "complete victory" in Gaza

US-Israel relations are “deeply flawed” because Netanyahu repeatedly ignored Biden's calls to de-escalate and move towards peace, writes The Washington Post.

Repeatedly over the past year, “in tones ranging from supportive sympathy to cold rage”Biden urged Netanyahu to focus on a strategic plan for peace rather than tactical military and political victories. However, Netanyahu “publicly rejected US pleas and offers” about a ceasefire both in Gaza and now in Lebanon. He blamed Biden for the slow delivery of weapons.

U.S. and foreign officials say that not only Hamas, but also Netanyahu has repeatedly derailed negotiations for the release of hostages in Gaza by making new demands at the last minute. Israel has also repeatedly blocked or delayed humanitarian aid in Gaza, often denying it. According to Western officials, without US pressure, Israel would not have allowed even the minimum amount of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

“Protected by an American security guarantee, he carried out attacks in Gaza, the occupied West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and Iran without first informing his American allies and despite US warnings of escalation.”writes the publication. Although Washington has had some successes – Israel has softened its offensive in Rafah and the daily number of Palestinian casualties has decreased compared to the beginning of the year.

I wonder in whose interests Bibi acted? Negotiations between Netanyahu and Biden. A satirical retelling that fully takes into account the facts, motivations and (probably) arguments of the parties.

– Binyamin, listen, this whole situation has a negative impact on the global background. You understand that the Chinese stirred up all this; it is now very important for them to weaken America, and therefore, in the future, Israel. You shouldn't give them a chance. China teases the Arabs a lot. Anthony (Blinken) flew to the Saudis, the prince openly mocked him. The Arabs feel that not everything is going smoothly in Ukraine, and we won’t get out of there quickly, so they behave impudently. But we will fix it all. The main thing now is not to make a mistake, we will fully support you, but you see how they behave EUUN and others? Now we have agreed through Qatar that Hamas will release the women and children. This will be our common victory with you. Let's carefully move on together?

Netanyahu looked wearily at Biden, the president continued to make arguments, but the Israeli Prime Minister’s attention switched to his smartphone. In a secret telegram chat, a long message came from Donald Trump:

– Hi, Bibi. Hold on, I'm with you. Has the old idiot arrived there yet? Don't listen to him. You're an experienced politician, you see that the Democrats have completely screwed up the Middle East. They are completely incompetent. Blinken waited all night for the prince of Saudi Arabia, who then came and declared that Palestine should be given statehood. Is this normal at all?

There was no such crap with me. The Saudis bought weapons from us with record contracts, and Iran was isolated. Now what? Even Jordan sent his grandfather openly. And who is to blame? Democrats. This is all their “Iranian nuclear program”. They moved it. Because of the democrats, the Arabs united. What does your grandfather offer you? At the expense of his career, save his second term. What will happen if he wins? Again the same thing, the same Democrats. They only listen to Nulland, who is obsessed with Russia. Because they are mired in a war with Russia, the Arabs have raised their heads and are shaking their rights.

Even Abdullah sent his grandfather, and you can send him too. Even Zelensky doesn’t listen to him. We in Congress will support Israel, but you have to be patient for a year, don’t give up. As soon as I return to the White House, everything will be sorted out. I will say right away that I will end the war in Ukraine and, as soon as the Arabs understand that we will focus on helping Israel, they will become more accommodating, and we will find a compromise that suits you.

I promise.

The Prime Minister's attention returned to his guest. He talked about how he met with Brezhnev…

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