September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Volos: mother who hit her 8-year-old daughter was sentenced to six months of suspended imprisonment

A mother of three from Volos lost her nerve when her eight-year-old daughter categorically refused to go to school in the morning.

A quarrel began, which ended with the mother unable to restrain herself and hitting her daughter on the cheek. The incident was heard in the Volos misdemeanor court – a 30-year-old woman was given a suspended six-month prison sentence for causing “domestic” harm to a minor.

Details of what happened on Wednesday morning tells CNN Greece edition. That morning, the husband went to work, the eldest 13-year-old son went to school, and the woman stayed at home with her two small daughters. An eight-year-old girl did not want to get out of bed and go to school, which was the reason for the start of a quarrel, and then a slap in the child’s face.

An hour after the husband left, the wife called and complained that she had had a fight with the children. Against the background of the child’s crying and his wife’s nervous state, the man did not understand and thought that the woman wanted to kill the children (perhaps these rhetorical words were spoken in the heat of the woman’s complaints).

In a panic, the husband called the police and a family friend to come to them and find out what was happening. Later, the woman said that she found children crying in the apartment, who complained that they had had a fight with their mother.

The defendant’s husband testified in court that his wife hit her daughter once, just below the eye, and assured that this was the first time something like this had happened. Perhaps, he admitted, the stress medication the woman was taking after suffering from Covid-19 a year and a half ago was to blame. The mother herself claimed that it was the first time she raised her hand to the child, explaining that she lost her temper when she heard that the child did not want to go to school.

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