September 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Reuters about Mitsotakis’ hidden plans: “He will agree with Erdogan on the EEZ”

Agency Reuters revealed Hidden plans of Kyriakos Mitsotakis in Greek-Turkish relationssaying that during a recent meeting in New York, he and Erdogan agreed to begin negotiations on EEZ delimitation.

Since Greece does not demand anything from Turkey, and the neighboring country that concluded the Turkish-Turkish memorandum, on the contrary, seeks to seize most of the Greek continental shelfit is clear that any delimitation of the EEZ will occur at the expense of Greek sovereign rights. The Mitsotakis government will continue negotiations with Turkey without Ankara giving up its so-called “blue homeland”.

In fact, according to Reuters the Prime Minister of Greece has already committed to the delimitation of the EEZ! “Agreement on where the two countries' maritime zones begin and end is important for determining rights to potential gas reserves and electrical infrastructure systems,” reports Reuters.

“The commitment of Mitsotakis and Erdogan to delimit the maritime zones between Turkey and Greece is a rather important step, given the unity of NATO. Even if this is unlikely to bring immediate results, given the complex nature of the Aegean seascape (it is possible to sail from some Greek islands to Turkey and vice versa), the negotiations will lead to a de facto moratorium between Greece and Turkey to stop violations in the sea and airspace,” – continues the news agency.

Reuters adds in its report: Neighboring Greece and Turkey, both NATO allies, have been at loggerheads for decades over a range of issues from airspace to maritime jurisdiction in the eastern Mediterranean and Cyprus. Tensions have eased in recent years, and last year the two countries agreed to renew ties, promising to keep open channels of communication and work on the issues that have divided them.

According to Greek Foreign Minister Georgios Gerapetritis, the leaders of the two countries instructed their foreign ministers to study whether conditions are favorable for starting discussions on the delimitation of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone. They will begin preparations for a high-level meeting to be held in Ankara in January, the Greek Prime Minister's office said.

It is worth noting that Turkish President R.T. Erdogan didn't even bother to meet with US President Joe Biden. In particular, on the morning of September 26, he returned from New York to Turkey, canceling his participation in a dinner hosted by the US President in honor of the leaders participating in the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

The Turkish President did not say why Tayyip Erdogan did not attend the dinner with the US President. Turkish media reported that his wife Emine Erdogan attended the reception hosted by US First Lady Jill Biden.

The reality is that Joe Biden is now Erdogan's expired president. He was not interested in meeting him because he had nothing to offer him.

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