September 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Like in the movies: robbery of cash collectors in Lavrion for a million euros

The robbery of cash collectors took place today in Lavrion, straight out of a movie scenario – with smoke bombs, pistols and punctured tires.

And it all happened in broad daylight, at about 15:30. First, four criminals used smoke bombs to make the car with the cash collectors slow down. Then they quickly punctured the tires and forced them out of the car at gunpoint.

The amount of stolen money is approximately one million euros – the famous toy store, near which the events took place, was the last one for the collectors. Before that, they had already taken the proceeds from several enterprises in Lavrio. Employees of the private company's money delivery service also claim that they did not have time to put the money in special bags for dyeing money and did not activate them. The money was in ordinary bags.

The robbery of the cash collectors took place on Thursday, September 26. The faces of the criminals, writes CNN Greece, were hidden. The National Police is currently investigating to identify and arrest the perpetrators.

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