September 25, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Trump called Zelensky the best trader in history

“I think Zelensky is the greatest trader in history because every time he comes to a country, he leaves with 60 billion dollars,” – Donald Trump said in his campaign speech on the occasion of the Ukrainian president's visit to New York for the UN summit.

The mention of the Ukrainian president's name drew sharp disapproval from Trump supporters. With that statement and the mood among Republican voters, it is now clear what will happen in terms of the war in Ukraine and Ukraine itself if and when he wins the election.

D. Trump added that “seller Zelensky” More than anything else, he wants Kamala's Democrats to win the US presidential election because of the billions of dollars offered by those who provide aid to Kyiv. He again promised to seek the start of negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow to restore peace. “As president-elect, if I win this election, the first thing I'm going to do is call Zelensky, call President Putin and say, 'You have to make a deal. “What's happening is madness.” – Trump said.

Zelensky's visit was also mentioned by Trump's eldest son Donald Jr., who said that the Ukrainian president had the audacity to attack his father and promote Kamala Harris' campaign, and on American soil at that. Donald Trump Jr. criticized Zelensky for an interview with the New Yorker magazine, in which the Ukrainian president said that Trump “doesn't really know how to stop the war.” Zelensky also called Trump's ally J.D. Vance “radical” in the interview, for suggesting ending the war in Ukraine along the front lines.

A foreign leader who has received billions of dollars in funding from American taxpayers comes to our country and has the audacity to attack a GOP presidential candidate? And he does this right after a pro-Ukrainian fanatic tried to kill my father? Shame!

Zelensky: Trump Doesn't Know How to End War, Vance Is Too Radical

Tucker Carlson's reaction to Zelensky's visit to a Pennsylvania ammunition plant is interesting.

– Personally, it would never occur to me to show up in a foreign country and attack its politicians. It's not my country. But I saw your state governor, Josh Shapiro, standing in a video with the leader of another country, signing off on artillery shells that would… kill civilians in a country we're not at war with. And he was smiling! You know, I felt disgusted. I was furious!

It is now clear that the US elections on November 5 are not US internal affairs, but a matter for the entire planet. After all, whoever wins will determine whether the war in Ukraine, which is now gaining many chances to develop into a global conflict, will be stopped.

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