September 24, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What gang members told 13-year-old phone scam victim

The mother of a child who fell victim to a gang's phone scam has told how they managed to trick the 13-year-old boy.

The child, although he knew about the scammers' trick, was convinced of the scammers' words and began to search the entire house to find money and… rescue his mother, while throughout the entire conversation he was guided by the gang members.

«The woman claiming to be his mother was crying and telling him that (supposedly) I had driven through a red light, that I had hit a little girl, that the police had caught me and that he had to find money to save me,”the boy's mother said in an interview with Live News.

After that, a man spoke to him and directed him because “he was a policeman.” “You are responsible for saving your mother”, “we need to find 70 thousand euros”, “look in the house”. They told him: «Put this in your bag and when we tell you, throw it from the balcony,” the child's mother said.

“When he saw me from the balcony, he walked down the steps of the apartment building and asked: “Mom, are you okay?” I was in shock, I was in shock, I was crying, losing consciousness, the child was crying too. Under the guidance of the police, we went to the scene of the crime to throw out the backpack. The ΔΙΑΣ team saw a 67-year-old woman there and arrested her.”

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