September 25, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Chania: Prison officer arrested for drug dealing in jail

Employees Internal Investigation Services The police have eliminated a criminal group that was engaged in import and sale of drugs on the territory pretrial detention center.

As part of the preliminary investigation, the existence of an operationally structured criminal organization operating continuously was established, whose members, including a prison employee, formed and joined it at least since May 2024, and were engaged in the import and illegal trafficking of drugs in the pre-trial detention facility.

In order to put an end to their activities, an operation was carried out on one of the islands early on Saturday morning, 21-09-2024, during which a correctional officer and a private individual were arrested, and two inmates of the detention center were charged in the same case. As it turned out during the investigation, in which special methods were used, members of the criminal organization acted with certain roles and modus operandi.

A prison employee played a key role in the organization, who was responsible for receiving, transporting and importing drugs into the detention center, taking instructions from two inmates, and His “reward” was 500 or 1,000 euros, depending on the amount of drugs he imported. To achieve his goal, he used his status and hid drugs mainly in the kitchen, where his accomplices obtained them.

At the same time, members of the criminal organization, in order to maintain anonymity, tried to hide their activities, taking special measures to control the transfer of money and communication with each other, using code words. For example, they called drugs “dope”, “tobacco”, “black”, “coffee”, the amount of drugs – “small”, “large”, and money – “cards”.

During the police operation, a correctional officer was seen picking up a man who had just gotten off a boat and after subduing him, they began checking him.

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