September 22, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Zelensky plans to end the war with Russia in November

Already this year, in November, Ukraine intends to organize a second peace summit, which will be able to put “an end to the conflict, not an ellipsis.”

The President of Ukraine stated this at a joint press conference with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in the capital.

He voiced the following theses, quotes Euronews:

  1. The president wants to put an end to the war at the second peace summit in November: “We are interested in peace, we must strengthen Ukraine as much as possible in order to organize a second summit this year that will be able to put an end to this war. Precisely such an end that will never become an ellipsis.”
  2. The Ukrainian plan for victory will work if Western partners promptly adopt the solutions proposed in it in the period from October to December: “The decisions regarding the plan largely depend on the US President. I hope he will support this plan.”
  3. Ukraine does not have a Plan B in case this does not happen, because it is already in one: “What will happen if President Biden does not support your peace plan, do you have a “plan B”? I will tell you honestly, we are already in “plan B”. We live in it, we fight. We never had a “plan A”. Because “plan A” was to prevent a full-scale invasion, to strengthen Ukraine with weapons and to impose sanctions against the Russian Federation.”

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, in turn, reported that in Lithuania now They are dismantling an entire thermal power plant and handing it over to Ukraine in partsIn this way, Europe is helping Ukraine with energy repairs to make it easier to get through the winter amid shelling.

She promised that Ukraine will receive a loan of 35 billion euros from the European Commission – this will be part of the 50 billion dollar loan previously agreed upon by the G7.

On September 20, at a meeting with journalists, the President of Ukraine said that active work is underway on a plan that will become a start and foundation for talking in any format with Russia. Three points of the plan are already ready, Zelensky said, and Meetings with representatives of the Russian Federation took place online, and “there will be more meetings offline and online.” Although he believes that now Russia wants to continue the warHe noted, as quoted by Interfax-Ukraine:

“We said that we are ready to see Russia at the second summit, because all our allies, including the closest ones, who are on our side and always against Russian aggression, all said that Russia should be at the second summit. Because Russia is fighting against Ukraine. There cannot be an end to the war without one of the parties. And, as we said in early November, the entire plan will be ready. This will be the start and the foundation for talking in any format with Russia. In any format, with any of its representatives, because there will be a plan, and there will be something to show. If they don't like it, their reaction to specifics will be clear, and not just in general – “we don't want anything and will continue the war.”

Meanwhile, Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, has already stated that Russia will not participate in “peace summits” on Ukraine, because “they have nothing to do with the settlement.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Kyiv of intending to present Moscow with an “ultimatum to capitulate” and statedthat Russia will not participate in the second peace summit on Ukraine:

“Representatives of Russia have not participated in any meetings within the framework of the 'Bürgenstock process' and do not intend to participate.”

Zakharova, among other things, accused Ukraine and the international community of intending to “present Russia with an ultimatum to capitulate.”

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