September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mobile Subscription Explosion: Where is Greece?

The growth in the number of mobile subscribers internationally, highlighting the transformation of the mobile phone into a multifunctional tool in the hands of its owners, with which it can do almost everything, is recorded in the Ericsson Mobility Report (quarterly version of the Mobility Report).

In the second quarter of 2024, the total number of mobile phone subscribers internationally reached 8.7 billion, an increase of 60 million compared to the same period last year. The country with the largest growth was China (+22 million), followed by India (+8 million) and Bangladesh (+2 million).

In addition, 89% of mobile subscribers have access to broadband Internet. The number of mobile broadband subscribers in the second quarter of this year increased by 100 millionreaching a total of 7.7 billion, up 5% from last year.

5G subscriptions grew by 161 million in the quarter, exceeding 1.9 billion globally.

Currently, 22% of mobile subscriptions include 5G services, and penetration is growing steadily, with around 320 mobile operators offering commercial 5G2 services and over 60 offering commercial 5G services in standalone (SA) networks. According to the Ericsson report, The downward trend in 4G subscriptions continued for another quarter as users gradually migrate to 5G networks. However 4G remains the dominant technology in mobile subscriptions: 5.2 billion (60% of the total).

A similar downward trend is seen in 2G and 3G, with WCDMA/HSPA subscriptions down 34 million and GSM/EDGE subscriptions reaching 41 million in the quarter. Ericsson also noted in its report that mobile penetration worldwide has reached 107%, and the number of SIM cards has exceeded the human population. However, the number of unique mobile subscribers is 6.5 billion.

The difference between unique users and total SIM cards is largely due to multiple SIM cards per person, as well as inactive subscriptions. Mobile data traffic is also experiencing strong growth as it increases by 28 EB*exabytes) per month between Q2 2023 and Q2 2024, rising to 151 EB*exabytes per month.

In particular, data traffic via mobile networks increased by 23% annuallywith the corresponding growth for the first quarter of 2024 being 4%. The ever-growing data traffic is fueled by smartphone penetration, user transition from 4G to 5G.

It has been noted that despite the slowdown in growth rates, traffic is increasing every quarter in absolute figures. It is worth noting that Mobile data traffic has doubled in just two years. In Greece, the number of mobile phone connections today is approximately 12 million (as of 2024).

If we count the active population of our country using a mobile phone, the number of connections is considered high and is on par with the international level. Power and influence smartphones in our country This is also highlighted by the fact that almost all Internet users (97%) prefer to connect to the Internet via smartphones (Focus Bari survey).

The average daily duration of internet connection from a mobile phone today reaches 135 minutes. But what are the main preferences and requirements of mobile subscribers when it comes to choosing a device? Consumers in Greece, like in many other countries, have specific ones that are shaped by technological developments, financial possibilities and their daily needs. One of the main factors for Greek consumers is price. Most Greek consumers are looking for devices that perform well and are not too expensive. However, surveys have shown that Greek consumers also prefer flagship devices and are interested in getting the most out of them.

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