September 25, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

First 388 cameras installed in Athens

Audit conference approves first stage installation 388 cameras in different parts of Attica to monitor compliance with traffic rulesThe idea is that the cameras will be automatic identify drivers who violate the rules, who will automatically receive a fine on the house.

This project is supported by the European Recovery Fund within the framework of the project “Road Safety Improvement Program”The goal of the program is to modernize infrastructure and reduce road accidents through the use of new technologies.

Attica Region I have already tested the program on two traffic lights on Poseidonos Avenue, at the intersection with Kalamaki Avenue. In this section alone, 17 violations of driving through a red light per hour were recorded. Let us recall that a violation of driving through a red light entails a fine of 700 euros and a suspension of the driver's license for two months.

Plan to install up to 1000 cameras

The plan is reportedly based on the doctrine «less… paperwork, more digitalization.” According to the plans of the relevant ministries, at the final stage of the plan’s implementation, a single operations center will be created, where images from 1,000 modern cameras installed on all central streets of the city will be received, and fines will be issued digitally.

Cameras will scan car license plates, The fine will be electronic, and after receiving it, the offender will be able to file an objection electronically, without having to personally visit the office.

However, the successful implementation of the project requires valuable assistance from the Ministry of Digital Management, as managing all this data and digitizing the process is not an easy task. As competent sources explain, it is necessary to create software and applications that can process thousands of data in a minimum amount of time, as well as ensure interconnection and interaction with the National Police systems.

Roads in Attica considered key

The traffic police officers have already “put on the map” All “reds” places of the capital, that is, the roads where the most violations are observed and the most accidents and road accidents are recorded. Also, special attention will be paid to roads where there is “delivery” bus lanes, which leads to problems with the passage of ambulances and creates inconvenience for citizens using public transport.

Traffic police reports will be analysed to ensure that the placement of cameras is as targeted and effective as possible. The key roads are Poseidonos, Amalias, Syngrou, Vasilisis Sofia, Vasilisis Olga, Mesogeion, Kifissia, Alexandra, Lavrio, Markopoulou, Athens, Alimos, Kifisos, Constantinople, Marathonos, Piraeus, Katehaki, Tevon, Vouliagmeni and King Constantine Avenue.

Traffic police officers have been doing this for several years now “they see” The main problems are related to violation of the rules of driving in bus lanes and at red traffic lights, failure to use seat belts and helmets, speeding in the city, and driving while using a mobile phone.

In the first 7 months of 2024, the number of traffic violations in Attica increased by 46% compared to last year. In particular, 182,000 violations were registered, most of which are related to speeding, failure to use seat belts and helmets, and suspension of driving licenses.

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