September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: Man smashes neighbor's car with axe

An inadequate 50-year-old man chopped up his neighbors' car with an axe. The incident took place in the Stavroupoli district of Thessaloniki.

According to ERT, the man suddenly ran out into the street with an axe and began to smash a car parked below. He then went to the entrance of an apartment building, broke the glass and shouted that he was going upstairs to kill his neighbors (the owner of the car).

The family was thrown into a commotion, and the citizens called the police. However, the man's relatives managed to calm him down and lead him out of the apartment building, where he had finally gotten into.

The police then proceeded to arrest the troublemaker, who suffers from mental disorders. It became known that he had caused problems several times in the past, although on a smaller scale. The man is expected to give evidence and undergo a psychiatric examination. But for now, it was decided to keep him in a psychiatric clinic.

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