September 19, 2024

Athens News

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Severe Back Pain: When to See a Doctor, What You Need to Know

Unfortunately, back pain is so common that many people underestimate the signs of possible more serious problems.

After a certain age, back pain becomes… part of everyday life. But this discomfort is not necessarily inevitable. Pay attention to what kind of pain you have and see a doctor.

1. Simultaneous pain in the back and abdomen may be a coincidence, but it can also be a sign of a serious underlying condition. If the back pain “radiates” to the upper front of the abdomen or under the rib, it may indicate conditions such as pancreatitis, appendicitis, or kidney stones. Proper diagnosis is necessary to relieve the pain.

2. Pain in the neck and back often go hand in hand and can be a sign of something as simple as poor posture. On the other hand, back pain that starts in the neck can be a sign of nerve damageOther signs of spinal nerve compression include weakness, numbness, or sharp pain radiating down the leg.

3. If yours back pain associated with numbness or tinglingyou should see a doctor to make sure you don't have any problems with your spinal cord.

4. Pain and urinary incontinenceBecause the muscles and nerves of the back are located directly behind the bladder, incontinence and back pain are often related. If something is wrong with your bladder, you may feel pain in your back. Exactly the same If there is something wrong with your back, you may experience incontinence. This is what should not be ignoredas this may indicate a hematoma or a severe herniated disc. See a doctor immediately.

5. Pain with fever. A fever can be a sign of something more serious, like an infection. Fortunately, this is rare, fever and back pain are not necessarily relatedHowever, persistent back pain associated with worsening fever is certainly a reason to see a doctor.

6. Pain that lasts more than ten days. As a general rule, never ignore pain that lasts more than ten days, especially if it gets worse. The longer you wait for it to “go away,” the longer it will take to heal your back.

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