September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Democrats reject Trump's proposal to require voters to show proof of US citizenship

Former US President D. Trump, wanting to protect presidential elections from the possibility of fraud similar to what he condemned in 2020, proposed a law requiring voters to show proof of their citizenship when they register to vote.

He linked this proposal to raising the limit. US debtbut Democrats defeated it with the help of ten Republican members of Congress. Trump says they want anyone, including non-US citizens, like illegal immigrants, to be able to register to vote for Democrats in exchange for staying in the country and becoming US citizens.

Before the vote, Donald Trump declared on the social network Truth Social that “If Republicans can't get the SAVE Act passed in its entirety, they shouldn't pass it.” budget extension. He has already threatened to trigger a government shutdown if the measure is not taken.

Outgoing President Biden’s administration opposes it, arguing that allowing non-citizens to vote is already illegal and that there is no evidence that illegal immigrants are voting. At least a dozen Republicans opposed the proposal last week, and the vote was delayed to find consensus within the party.

Democrat Rosa DeLauro, chair of the House Budget Committee, yesterday condemned the behavior of Republicans who “violated one of their most fundamental duties.” “We have seven days of parliamentary business left to ensure the functioning of the federal civil service,” Ms. DeLauro added..

So, to prevent Democrats from once again ensuring the integrity of the US elections, the US economy is at risk of grinding to a halt as the House of Representatives on Wednesday (18/09) finally rejected a measure to extend the current federal government budget for six months.

A budget extension through early 2025 must be passed by Congress by the end of September, or in other words, by the end of the U.S. fiscal year, so that all federal government agencies continue to receive guaranteed funding.

Otherwise, the shutdown will go into effect.: millions of government workers will technically become unemployed, some types of food aid will cease to be distributed, museums and other government services will be closed, and there will be serious problems with traffic at airports.

House members rejected – 220 votes against, 202 for – proposal to temporarily extend the term of the implemented budget until March 2025that is, after the winner of the presidential elections on November 5 takes office.

More than a dozen Republicans joined Democrats in opposing their own party's budget extension proposal, cutting off its narrow majority in the lower chamber.

The SAVE Act was included in the proposal under pressure from Donald Trump, who wants to ensure fair elections. An election that is already problematic, since most of the major American international (controlled by the US Democratic Party) media are against Trump, clearly and unequivocally supporting the Democrats. And in this case, such a popular topic “on interference in the US elections”which the US constantly accuses of its political opponents, does not apply. Apparently “esomething else ™”.

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