September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Kolonos: Former defendant insulted 12-year-old victim of pedophiles

ELAS headquarters has issued a statement regarding a report of a verbal attack on a 12-year-old girl who was the victim of “pedophiles”.

The incident with the girl, a victim of a pimp in the Kolonos district of Athens, occurred on Sunday, September 8 of this year. As noted, by decision of the General Directorate of the Greek Police (the Department for the Protection of Minors of the Attica Security Directorate) provide support and security needs a minor during her temporary stay with relatives in Athens.

On Sunday afternoon, while the minor was walking around the Athens area with her adult relative and accompanied by a police officer, they accidentally met a 34-year-old man who was involved in the above-mentioned case. The man addressed them, but in such a way that his words were not understood by the police officer.

The minor's relative followed him, demanding that he repeat what he had said, and the minor did the same, despite the police officer's advice to the contrary, which led to a verbal altercation between the two.

The incident ended with the intervention of a police officer who acted to ensure the safety of the minor. The officer immediately informed his colleagues about the incident.

The incident was later reported by the girl's mother during a preliminary investigation conducted by the Kolonos police department. The police officer was thus questioned as a witness.

About the shocking case and its solution “pedophile network” in the Kolonos area “Athenian News” reported earlier. Let us recall that at the end of the trial, where a 78-page criminal case was examined, the prosecutor decided to prosecute 18 more people. Among them were Pakistanis, an 82-year-old grandfather and other defendants. In total, about 100 people were involved in the case, including “decent family men” and deputies.

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