September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Sorosyata: Tilos Mayor Turns Island Into Illegal Immigrant Reception Center

The case of the mayor of Tilos, who verbally attacked a Greek woman, telling her “leave the island” because she complained to the coast guard about the transport of 106 illegal immigrants, brought to the fore the profile of Mayor Maria Aliferi-Kamma, a “well-known” figure in the circles of NGOs that facilitate the arrival of illegal immigrants in our country.

In particular, the mayor found herself in cooperation with the public organization “Solidarity Now”, which is financed by George Soros. It has been proven more than once that “Solidarity Now” is nothing more than “Trojan horse“, the purpose of which is to promote a program of mass illegal immigration and “multiculturalism” in Europe, and in general in the “developed West”.

Solidarity Now and other similar NGOs use humanitarian pretexts and international funds to promote policies that lead to ethnic change and social unrest.

Tilos has thus long since become an “experimental site” for such a policy. It, like many other islands in the Aegean Sea, has become a center for receiving illegal immigrants, with the state fully tolerating the pressure of “charitable” NGOs and their activities through their “well-wishers” even in the state apparatus.

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