September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Citizens against Mitsotakis in TIF: Thessaloniki in the grip of mobilization

The mobilization announced by trade unions, collectives and trade union organizations continues in connection with the Prime Minister's speech at the Wellideion Conference Center in Thessaloniki at the opening of the 88th TIF.

Most of the rallies started at 18:00, but in different parts of Thessaloniki. In particular, members GSEEADEDY and trade unions gathered at the statue of Venizelos.

PAME members gathered at Khanty Square.

Representatives of the wider anti-authoritarian space and the extra-parliamentary left began their own march from Kamara.

The first to take to the city streets were food distributors. Photos from the rallies in Thessaloniki:

Haris Doukas at the GSEE rally in Thessaloniki

Athens Mayor and PASOK presidential candidate Haris Doukas attended a GSEE rally at the Venizelos statue in central Thessaloniki. “We are making our presence known in the world of work, in the public and private sector, which has many problems,” Doukas said, noting among other things that the government supports indecency, not work. “We have a lot of struggle ahead of us,” “confront cartels and oligarchy head-on“, he added, among other things.

Dimitris Koutsoumbas at a trade union rally

KKE General Secretary Dimitris Koutsoumbas takes part in a rally in Chanti Square, a few meters from the Velideion, where Kyriakos Mitsotakis is set to give a speech on the TIF.KKE participates in large mobilizations of workers against the policies of the South-West government, EUlarge business groups, the bourgeois state, which constantly accumulate new suffering for the Greek people,” he emphasized.

Greek police on alert

Police measures have been stepped up in connection with the opening of the 88th Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF). To ensure order, security and traffic All forces of Thessaloniki are involved, as well as platoons from neighboring prefectures and services of Attica.

Strong platoons have been deployed on the central streets of Thessaloniki, where the planned demonstrations will take placeand from the air helicopter EL.AS. and drones monitor their progress and transmit the image to the EL.AS operations center in the city police building. There EL.AS staff coordinate the movement of police forcesand two prosecutors monitor the implementation of the measures (one in the operations center, the other in the city center).

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