September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Poll: Ruling ND losing votes to small leftist and nationalist parties

The ruling conservative New Democracy party continues to lose ground in public opinion, while the main opposition Syriza has fallen to third place behind the socialist PASOK, the latest poll by MRB has shown.

However, Greeks' disapproval of ND's policies does not bring victories to the big opposition parties, but rather to the small ones on the right and left of the political spectrum.


According to a survey conducted by MRB commissioned by Open TV, ND leads with 11.1% over PASOK, SYRIZA is third, nationalist Greek Solution is a breath away from third place.


The winners were two parties with female leaders: the left-wing Freedom Course (Zoë Konstantopoulou) and the nationalist Voice of Reason (Aphrodite Latinopoulou). The following results were recorded in terms of voter intentions:

  1. “New Democracy”: 21.6% – 27.7% (28% in the European elections in June 2023)
  2. SYRIZA PS: 8.5% – 10.9%
  3. PASOK: 10.5% – 13.4%
  4. Company of Greece (KKE): 7.3% – 9.3%
  5. Greek solution: 8% – 10.2%
  6. Nicky (Niki): 3.2% – 4.1%
  7. Freedom rate: 5.3% – 6.8%
  8. Voice of Reason: 3.4% – 4.4%
  9. MeRA25 Varoufakis: 2.3% – 2.9%
  10. New Left: 2.2% – 2.9%
  11. Other party: 7.5%

The threshold for entering parliament is 3%.

Optimism indicator


The MRB survey demonstrates the population's broader dissatisfaction with the ruling party's policies and the overall situation in the country. To the question “How are things in the country?” respondents answered:

  • 63.3% – “quite bad/very bad”, which is 7% more than in June 2023, and compared to June 2024, this figure has increased by seven percentage points.
  • 10.8% responded “very good/fairly good.”
  • 25.6% answered “Neither good nor bad.”

Survey was held from 20 to 30 August 2024.

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