September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Warning, danger: pink cocaine distributed in Athens

Pink cocaine, a drug considered very expensive, was sold by a gang in Athens, who even packaged the product in bags with Al Capone and the Pink Panther!

The drug dealers were detained by the drug enforcement prosecutor's office: after a large-scale operation, a 30-year-old man was captured, and two more people, aged 33 and 23, are wanted.

In particular, the prosecutor's office received information about the trade in the drug “SCANK”, processed marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, ketamine and pink cocaine. Pink cocaine is also known as “TUSI” (TUSI), and its price, as noted in a police statement, is very high – for example, in Spain, according to the newspaper El Pais, it sells for up to $100 per gram. And although buyers consider it a luxury drug, it is most often is a mixture of cheaper drugs such as ketamine and ecstasy, with added dyes and flavouring – usually strawberry.


On Monday evening, according to the information, the man was detained. He had 12 hermetically sealed plastic “SKUNK” bags with a total weight of 12,930 grams, three improvised aluminum foil bags. The packages contained cocaine with a total gross weight of 2.8 grams. Subsequently, during a search carried out at the “stash” located in the center of Athens, a large amount of drugs, including pink cocaine, were found and confiscated.

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