September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

She ended up in handcuffs for smoking hashish on a plane.

A young tourist from Austria boarded a flight from Vienna to Kos, but during the flight she locked herself in the airplane toilet and lit a cigarette.

Her stay in the toilet lasted for a long time, causing her to arouse the suspicions of the plane's crew, who entered and easily established that the 29-year-old Austrian had been using drugs.

However, despite their recommendations, the young woman did not comply and her noisy behavior irritated the passengers, so they reported the incident to the authorities at Ipokrateio Airport on the island of Kos.

As soon as the plane landed, airport staff stopped the foreigner, searched her luggage and found a bag containing 24 grams of raw cannabis mixed with tobacco.

The young woman was arrested and taken to the Kos District Attorney's Office on charges of disrupting a flight and transporting drugs.

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