September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Taxi driver fights with tourists who refused to pay for the ride

A violent fight broke out between a taxi driver and three tourists in central Athens. According to the driver, the tourists who were riding in his car refused to pay for the ride.

The tourists called a taxi driver via an app to go to the airport, but during the ride they started to haggle over the price. And when the driver did not make concessions, the foreigners asked him to drop them off at Vas. Sofias Avenue. And since the tourists did not intend to pay for the ride, the driver decided not to give them their luggage, and the tourists started shouting that “they will be late for the plane” and demanded that they give up their suitcases.

A quarrel and physical violence began. Passers-by stopped, having become witnesses to the ugly scene unfolding before their eyes. Some even rushed to intervene to understand what was happening and to separate the enraged people.

The taxi driver told Live News about the incident: “They decided to cheat me… They thought they would pay less. I tried to hold their suitcases until the police arrived so they wouldn't run away without paying. Then I got hit and the woman started biting me.“.

«They did not want to pay the amount due – 55 euros, and demanded that I take them there for 37 euros. The one who I called a taxi through the app on behalf of tourists, deceived them. He told them that the journey to the airport costs from 29 to 37 euros” said the driver.

Regarding the quarrel, he noted: “The meter showed 8.90 euros up to the point where they asked to get off. They they didn't want to pay the tariff and opened the door to leave without paying me. But they saw that I was “not a sucker” and would take from them as much as was due. I told them that I would call the police. And then they began to behave inappropriately, attacked me“.

«I didn't sue them because the police officer who arrived at the scene took their passports. Then the tourists started crying and saying, “Please give us our passports back, we'll miss our flight.” I felt sorry for them.“, the taxi driver concluded.

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