September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Scott Ritter: “Biden is planning a nuclear war only for Europe”

Former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter, in his interview, referring to the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that the US would also become a battlefield in a nuclear war in Europe, noted that the US is creating the false impression that they will remain on the sidelines and that this will only concern Europe.

However, S. Ritter showed that this is not just an “impression,” but the Biden administration has in its plans a limited, as it seems to it, nuclear war in Europe only for the sake of Ukraine: “In the US, we talk about the possibility of a nuclear war, based on the fact that Russia will use nuclear weapons against Ukraine or against some European countries, and that the release of nuclear weapons will be limited only there. But Lavrov said, and I hope everyone heard it, that if a nuclear war starts in Europe, the attack will be on the United States.”

“I repeat so that the audience understands what I mean: eIf a nuclear war starts in Europe, the US will be the one to be hit”, noted S. Ritter.

“And here's the problem: at We have a nuclear arsenal that is outdated. We have Minutaman missiles. IIIwhose service life has expired and they are rotting in the mines, the control and monitoring system uses obsolete equipment. The Russians, on the contrary, have modernized their nuclear equipment. They have multiple missiles that can reach the United States in much less time than we can get to them. Not only will Russia damage the US, but if they decide to strike, it will be a deadly strike because they will destroy the US nuclear forces before launching to reduce the impact of a US retaliatory strike. This is exactly what Russia will do,” noted the American analyst. He added:

“I hope people look at the maps and see what would happen if 100 or 150 megaton nuclear warheads hit American cities: pthe spread of radiation, how long will it last? In this case, it will all be over. Humanity will die out. Russians don't play. They understand the seriousness of the situation and will not sit idly by and allow the United States to play stupid games that threaten the existence of Russia as a nation and as a state.

If anyone thinks that Russia will just sit back and watch as a Ukrainian F-16 with American deep strike weapons strikes Moscow or St. Petersburg, they are simply crazy. Russia will know where the strike came from, and the US will pay for it. That is why I say and repeat that we are on the edge of the abyss. We are closer to nuclear war than ever before.”

“Look at the Biden administration. How do they react to this? They adopted new directives, a new war plan that makes it easier to use low-yield nuclear weapons, and that nuclear exchanges would take place exclusively in Europe.

That's why we developed low-yield nuclear weapons like the W76-2 bomb to send a message to Russia. I'm telling you this now: rRussian doctrine is clear – lAny nuclear strike on Russian territory will lead to a full-scale nuclear war by Russia with its entire arsenal.

I'm not saying that, ehThis is what Putin says, and this is exactly what Lavrov is trying to remind us of when he says “don’t play with fire.” But it won't just burn our hands. It will burn our neighborhoods, our cities, our entire nation.”

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