September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Panic on a bus with tourists: the driver went berserk, screamed and hit himself with his fists

A group of tourists, including several Albanians and Britons, travelling by bus from Barbati beach in Corfu were in for a real shock.

According to, the bus driver “lost his mind” and acted inappropriately because the tourists were talking and laughing loudly inside the vehicle. The video was uploaded to Albanian media and went viral.

The man was in a furious state and while driving through the dangerous streets of Corfu, he swore, banged his head on the steering wheel and the window of the bus, thereby endangering the lives of passengers.

He shouted at passengers arriving in Corfu to show respect, saying in Greek that he “needed to take 15 days off”, apparently for such “harmful work”. According to witnesses, at some point the driver began to beat his chest with his fists.

A bus passenger wrote a message that was published on the website “I want to report a scandal that broke out in Corfu. It all happened when we were returning from Barbati, there were more than 50 of us. The driver suddenly started shouting, swearing at us and the other passengers. We laughed at first, but then it got worse because he started letting go of the steering wheel and hitting himself with his fists.”

According to Albanian media, the incident occurred on Friday, 23.08.2024, on the island of Corfu.

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