September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Hania: Mentally ill patient attacks clinic director, tries to strangle him

The director of the psychiatric clinic of the General Hospital of Chania, Goulielmos Georgios, was attacked by an agitated, deranged patient who held him down and tried to strangle him.

The staff complained of a catastrophic shortage of personnel in the constantly overcrowded clinic, and it is not at all certain that the next similar case will not end tragically. Fortunately, a qualified psychiatrist and the only nurse on the shift, who happened to be in the department at that time, came to the aid of the director. And soon the police arrived. GNH commander Giorgos Beas confirmed:

“…The incident took place, the necessary measures were taken, and soon two nurses will arrive at the hospital as permanent staff, to complete the staff of the hospital’s psychiatric department.”

Psychiatric hospital staff say:

“Similar incidents have occurred in the recent past, two months ago. The clinic has only one psychiatrist, the director of the clinic, who is responsible for both the administrative and therapeutic parts. The clinic, which usually works with seven permanent employees, currently has only one, and is called upon to cope with a multitude of incoming cases, with all the consequences that entails in terms of the effectiveness of its work.”

GNH commander Giorgos Beas also told reporters:

“We advertised seven permanent psychiatric vacancies, all of which were unfilled, the last two from March 2024. At the same time, we advertised five child psychiatrist positions, which were also unfilled.”

Fifty-two nurses are permanently posted at Chania Hospital, of which two male nurses will be on duty at the psychiatric clinic. Hospital workers also complain of a lack of security personnel “in a clinic that operates in conditions of constant overcrowding, putting the physical integrity of patients and workers at risk every day.”

On this matter, Mr. Bis reported APE-MPE that “…the administration has committed to holding a meeting with the union, doctors and workers of ΨΚΧ, and a decision will be made at the next board of directors on the issue of 24-hour security by a private company in the psychiatric department. The process has already begun and will be completed immediately.”

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