September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek honey wins European awards for rare taste and micronutrient content

The Greek honey producer Komnenon received the gold medal at the Mediterranean Taste Awards ceremony held in the UK.

“Komnenon Med” has won a high award again this year, proving in practice that pure products produced in Xanthi are distinguished by their quality and taste. It has won many awards in international competitions, promoting the local gastronomy of mountainous Xanthi. The honey producer said in a statement:

“It is with great joy and pride that we celebrate yet another gold award at this year’s Mediterranean Taste Awards. This recognition is the culmination of our a long journey of producing high quality and tasty products that honor the rich culinary traditions of the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Taste Awards is a committee that highlights and rewards the best Mediterranean cuisine products based on quality, taste and innovation. Our award this year, for the third year in a row, is a testament to our continued commitment to excellence.

Our products have managed to gain the trust and preference of consumers both in Greece and abroad. This year, the Mediterranean Taste Awards were awarded to taste, aroma and unrivaled quality of our products! This success is due to constant efforts and respect for traditional production methods. For us, this award is further confirmation that our efforts are recognized and rewarded. We strive to continue to produce high-quality products that reflect our love for our country and bees.

This award joins a number of others that Meli Komninon has received in recent years, strengthening its position as one of the leading food producers in the Mediterranean. The constant recognition of the committee and consumers is the best reward for the dedication and quality that characterize our products. With this award, we confirm our promise to continue offering authentic tastes and high-quality products that pay tribute to the Mediterranean diet and the rich culinary heritage of Greece.”

Other Greek beekeeping companies have reportedly also received prestigious awards for “excellent quality honey.”

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