September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Kursk region, Ukrainian military storms building of women's colony

During its advance in the Kursk region, the Ukrainian army reached a women's colony, for which fierce fighting is currently taking place.

In the village of Malaya Loknya, 14 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, Russian troops have turned women's penal colony No. 11 into a fortress and are putting up fierce resistance to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Even the colony's guards are believed to be taking part in the defense of the facility.

Since 2011, the colony has housed 203 convicted criminals, sentenced to terms ranging from 10 to 20 years in prison. At the same time, several dozen Russian soldiers have dug in around the colony, erected barricades, and are using the prison's watchtowers as firing positions, and the massive buildings as protection from Ukrainian attacks.

The Ukrainian military, in turn, is firing at the defenders from German-made Marder infantry fighting vehicles and is also attacking the guard tower at the entrance to the women's colony with drones.

Russian military bloggers confirm that Malaya Loknya was almost completely surrounded by Ukrainian units, but inside the complex, Russian Armed Forces soldiers continue to hold the line. The Russian Defense Ministry reports that all attacks by Ukrainian troops on Malaya Loknya have been repelled.

It is still unclear how many prisoners are still being held in the women's prison in Malaya Loknya.

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