September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Most "chill" day in Greece since July 4: 36.3°C August 21

The coolest day in the last 46 days was Wednesday, August 21, with a maximum recorded temperature of just 36.3°C.

The drop in temperature was recorded by the network of automatic weather stations of the National Observatory of Athens. As shown on the map above, the highest temperature on Wednesday was recorded in Sparta, at 36.3°C.

The average maximum temperature in the country was 30.2°C, with only 4 of the 496 active stations (currently) recording temperatures above 35°C. Thus, the coolest day in the last 46 days, that is, from July 4-5, 2024, notes .

The heat is already quite boring for the residents of Athens, especially those who work during this period. And the day when it became a little cooler could have been a joy, if not for the sharply increased humidity, which spoiled everything.

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