September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

80-year-old arsonist with 15 Zippo lighters

Pictured is the 80-year-old arsonist being handed over to an investigating judge on Sunday. He has been charged with wilful arson [INTIME NEWS]

80 year old man, accused of three attempts and one arson in the Glyka Nera area on the day of the devastating fire in Barnabas, appeared before the investigating judge today.

He was arrested by the officers. Arson Crime Investigation Unit (ΔΑΕΕ), he is charged with arson with intent cause a fire in six cases. On Sunday, he appeared before an investigating judge, who demanded a confession of guilt and received a sentence for it.

The investigation conducted by ΔΑΕΕ has obtained convincing evidence that on August 11, between 13:00 and 20:00, the accused attempted or succeeded in causing a fire in a certain block of buildings in the area Glyka Nera. Fire service personnel got on his trailthanks to surveillance camera footage that recorded his movements.
Competent media sources told “K” that An elderly man was seen driving his car from a particular area of ​​Glyka Neraand 1-2 minutes after it passed, a fire started.

The first three attempts to light a fire are believed to have taken place between 1:30 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., before the fire broke out in Barnabas (Attica) and during the firefighting operation in Megara (Attica). The fourth attempt was made at 8 pm in the same area. A surveillance camera recorded the old man's car returning to the area, slowing down and driving away, followed three minutes later by a flash of fire.

Firefighters arrived at the scene, extinguished the fire and found an open Zippo lighter.Thanks to the surveillance camera footage, IACS officers were able to identify the man and begin making his arrest.

A search of his house and car followed, which yielded some interesting findings. Tellingly, empty canisters were found in his car, which a source in the fire service said were used to transport gasoline. In the house, accordingly, AIAE staff found 15 Zippo lightersfive different and activated mobile phones, as well as 210,000 euros in cash.

The officers handling the case described the old man as a lonely man who used to own a paper business. He had no children or relatives, and his wife had died relatively recently. In the area where he allegedly started the fire, the old man owned the property (belonging to his late wife)which, in his opinion, was encroached upon by third parties with the tacit consent of the local municipality.

According to some reports, after the case became public, last Sunday, a resident of the Neo-Psychiko area, where the old man permanently resides, contacted the fire department and complained that a year ago an elderly man after an argument started a fire in the entrance of a residential building using a Zippo lighter. The old man's lawyer, contacted by journalists, did not want to comment on this issue.

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