September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Visitors to a famous store found and returned a wallet stuffed with banknotes

Despite the difficult economic times we are experiencing, there are people who do not hesitate to return valuables to their owners who either forgot them or lost them due to negligence.

A curious incident was recorded this afternoon at a well-known store located on Vas. Sofias Avenue in the center of Athens. Customers at the store found a wallet in the building's elevator containing dozens of 50-euro bills, credit cards and personal documents. Without thinking twice, they handed it over to the store's security guards. They, in turn, managed to find the scatterbrain, a doctor by profession, and inform him of the find. And then, when he appeared out of breath, they handed him the wallet.

An eyewitness describes the incident to “The owner of the wallet ran into the store. With great anxiety, but also joy in his eyes. The store security guard advised him not to worry and said that his wallet was safe. Then the security guard went to the store's safes, opened one of them and took out a wallet full of money. The man could not believe how lucky he was, because the people who noticed the wallet did not think for a second about taking it.”

“The doctor kept saying ‘thank you’ to the woman from the security company, and she told him that she had done nothing (it was her duty) and that he should say ‘thank you’ to the people who found and handed over the wallet,” the report says.

In the end, the lucky loser left the store with his wallet in hand, having first left his card with the store security guard, perhaps to thank her for helping him avoid losing not only his money, but also his documents (which, as we know, are a real “pleasure” to restore…).

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