September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Hot Colombian Girls in Santorini "set on fire" island and ended up in… a pretrial detention center

Pimping network with Colombian womenwhich operated out of a nightclub in Tyre, liquidated by the Greek police. According to information received by the Tyre Police Sub-Directorate, Colombian women were sold for a fee to the salon's clients.

The club's managers arranged sexual encounters between customers and employees, making a significant profit. Police officers posing as customers visited the club at dawn on a Sunday and, using marked banknotes, set a trap for the managers of the scheme.


The 32-year-old woman in charge of the establishment, after a short conversation, agreed to an erotic encounter between one of the prospective clients and an employee for 200 euros. She then led the officer to a designated area inside the store. As soon as she began to undress, the officer announced her status, alerted the search party, and a search of the establishment was conducted.


As a result, a 32-year-old woman and five Colombian women aged between 20 and 32 were arrested and charged with pimping, violating the law on extradited persons and illegal presence in the country.

It also emerged that most of the arrested women did not have the necessary medical certificates, and three were living in the country illegally.

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