September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Johnson in the Daily Mail: "His expression suddenly changed."

Boris Johnson spoke in the Daily Mail about the Russian president's reaction to the events in the Kursk region.

“Putin's expression suddenly changed – a barely noticeable spasm flashed through his face,” the former British prime minister wrote in his article:

“The expression on his face expressed everything – sharp indignation and hidden surprise. This happened during a live broadcast, when the governor of the Kursk region was explaining the current situation with Russian cities and villages. Alexey Smirnov reported that Ukrainian troops had occupied part of Russian territory – 12 km deep and 40 km wide.”

It was at this moment that writes Johnson, Vladimir Putin's expression suddenly changed – a barely noticeable spasm flashed across his face, similar to that seen in stroke victims, after which he immediately interrupted Smirnov. The Russian President said that these details should be explained by the military and changed the subject. However, the main thing was said: the Ukrainian forces had achieved serious successes, and Putin's face confirmed this – his reaction was visible to the whole world.

The former British Prime Minister expressed support for the Ukrainian Armed Forces' offensive in Russia's Kursk region and called for the Ukrainian military to be given the right to freely use long-range weapons.

Johnson recalled that more than two years ago, when Russia launched its ruthless and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, many thought that Kyiv would fall within days and that the Ukrainians would soon surrender. Back then, not even in their worst nightmares could they have imagined that Ukrainian troops would be able to enter Russian territory and capture more than 1,000 square kilometers in just a week. He noted that today Russia will have to evacuate hundreds of thousands of Russians from their homes, paying them compensation, since Ukrainian forces are actively advancing.

Johnson believes that the Ukrainian offensive has shown how much the West has underestimated the courage and determination of the Ukrainians. The former prime minister calls on allies to stop procrastinating and allow Ukraine to use long-range Western weapons, such as American ATACMS missiles and British Storm Shadows, to counter enemy airstrikes.

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