September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

OECD criticizes Greece for "sawing" 2 billion euros

The enormous disaster that the government has caused with the fire that started in Barnabas and ended with houses being set on fire in Vrilissia has not gone unnoticed by international organisations.

Organization report economic cooperation and development (OECD) criticizes our country for the degradation of forestry and delays in the implementation of forest protection and aerial firefighting projects. The latter is the main driving force behind the firefighting efforts and has been characterized this year by three main problems: the lack of quality of aerial resources, the poor design and low cost of aerial firefighting equipment. Greek governments, including this one, have failed to provide adequate aerial resources for many years.

Despite much talk about the sad situationfamous project AIGISthe question of replacing Canadair's aging CL-215 and CL-415 remains unclear, and night aerial firefighting remains… an elusive dream, despite the capabilities of modern firefighting aircraft.

Even the early warning that was supposed to be in effect in Attica (only 25 drones) turned out to be either a big lie or they didn't know how to operate them, which they will never know because Attica is burning.

In addition, the OECD report notes serious delays in the implementation of funds allocated EU for forest conservation projects.Public investment in fire management is increasingly focused on suppression at the expense of prevention, with funding for the Greek Fire Brigade increasing while forestry resources are steadily declining.“,” the OECD report says.

The organization also confirms that funds for the forest service are being sharply cut, and justifies the complaints of our country's foresters, who have been complaining for many years about the degradation and devaluation of the institutionwhich is primarily responsible for the protection of forests.

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