September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

When lies are called "fire safety policy". "The damage is minor"- V. Kikilias stated without shame

Shameless excuses and alibis that exist only in the government's imagination, such as the famous “extreme weather conditions” and the comical appearances of unshaven ministers (and the Prime Minister himself), as well as the video of the plastered arm of the Minister of Civil Defense V. Kikilias, are the main factors in public outrage.

Initially, V. Kikilias stated that “the damage is not very big. The first helicopter arrived five minutes later, followed by four more helicopters. Due to weather conditions, it was not possible to extinguish the fire. Then he flew away. Fire stop zones were then created. The first priority was to protect the houses. Less than twenty minutes later the fire had crossed Penteli.” he noted.

The question arises: Is he drunk or high? There is no other way to explain what he says. The fire, which started on Sunday at around 3:00 p.m. on the Varnava side, engulfed houses in Vrilisia and Chalandri, within the city limits of Athens, on Monday, proving how false government officials were in claiming that “the fire-fighting mechanism is fully ready.”

Government representative P. Marinakisexpressing a policy of lying and misleading citizens, attributed criticism and indignation to his message “by equating logic, not reflecting realityand safe critics“, with the well-known excuse aboutclimate conditions worsened by drought and prolonged heat waves that favour the occurrence of fires.” He insisted that “the state apparatus was in place with all its forces”and the question is what would have happened if it weren't for him was “in place”: would the fire reach the port of Piraeus?

Greece has 17 Canadair aircraft, but only three were in use at the time of the Varnabas fire. Two 215s and a “newer” 415, a military CHINOOK and a Super Puma. The list is completed by leased aircraft, the rental cost of which is unknown to us.

Message from 112… “let him be saved who saves himself” has become a cruel joke, as the alarm signal spreads panic even in areas not related to the front linedisarms with its uselessness.

With the same incomprehensible audacity, the press secretary called the government project in the field of prevention land clearingwhich was carried out for the first time on such a large scale, and it goes without saying that we will insist on even more”overlooking the fact that they are imposing yet another fee and expense on citizens, with the government placing on “individual responsibility” the obligations of the city state, which regards the needs of the people as expenses.

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