September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Thanasis, we're on fire, hang up."- the last words of the 65-year-old Moldovan woman found charred in Patima Halandriu

Thanasis, we're on fire, hang up.“, – These were the last words of the unfortunate 65-year-old woman who was found charred in the bathroom of the company where she worked in Patima Halandriou.

The woman had worked for the company for over 20 years. Her colleagues, with tears in their eyes, left several white flowers at the site of the fire to say goodbye to the hard-working and always smiling Nadya, who left behind two children.

“That was the worst part. We would have pressed our backs to the store and covered her, but that was the worst thing,” Yannis Kosmas, Nadia's colleague, told Star TV.

“I watched the fire, called a colleague who didn't answer, and called the woman. I asked her what was going on and she said, “Thanasis, we're on fire, hang up.” That's it, that's it. She got scared… Maybe she thought that the fire wouldn't get inside and she would be saved. he says.

The unfortunate woman did not have time to leave the enterprise. The factory was completely destroyed. All the equipment melted, and part of the roof collapsed.

A woman who came from Moldova to Greece for a better “future” was found by firefighters late on Monday (12/8) in the toilet of the building where the craft workshop where she worked was located, as she was unable to escape from the burning building in time. Throughout the night, the owner's son, firefighters and several employees searched for the unfortunate woman, who was locked in the restroom of the craft store.

The unfortunate woman who died in Patima Halandri was preparing for a holiday when a fire that started in Barnabas on Sunday engulfed the factory, trapping her. In an interview with a website, the owner of the factory confirmed that the woman had tried to take refuge in the building's bathroom, and that is where her charred body was found.

Describing his last communication with her, he said: “She called me and said, 'Everything is on fire.'” I replied, “What are you doing there?” and then the connection was cut off.”n added that “From Anapa and above everything stopped. The police wouldn't let us through. Here, where the police were supposed to go first, there was chaos. I told them I wanted to go through and they said it was forbidden because it was a mess.

When I arrived at 19:30, coincidentally, the mayor of Halandri was there and I said to him: “Mayor, pour water on the factory because it is still burning.” It was still burning inside.. He sent a fire truck from the municipality, it put out the rest of the fire, and I left. The workers left before the fire started. This woman wanted to leave tonight and come to work on Monday. And so that she wouldn't lose her salary, I told her: “Come to work this afternoon, leave and come back on Monday.”


As he said about Nadya, “She lived in Greece for 25 years and spoke Greek fluently. She called me and said “it's on fire” and I said “what are you doing there” Since then, communication has been lost and I don't know what happened. The connection was lost and I say she must have left, who would have thought that everything would go to hell.” Then they call that Nadya hasn’t returned home. That's when I start to feel like something is wrong. We called the police and found her in the bathroom.”

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